6 Must-Have Items for Pet-Friendly Travel

6 Must-Have Items for Pet-Friendly Travel

Long journeys with your pet can be a real challenge, but that doesn’t mean pet-friendly travel isn’t a possibility. To make your journey easier, it is important to create a checklist and pack the necessary items before you hit the road. Herein, we provide a few tips to know about the essentials that are required for pet-friendly travel.

1. Medications
Before you leave, consult with your veterinarian to ensure whether your pet is healthy enough for travel. Share travel spots with your veterinarian so they can help you with advice on how to protect your pet from potential risks in that region. Pick up refills of any medications your pet will need, including flea and tick control, and heartworm pills. When you’re traveling to the beaches, it’s easy to forget about ticks and fleas, so make sure you bring the right parasite protection.

2. Kennel or carrier
Some places may ask that you kennel your pet if you are going out and leaving him or her in the room. The kennel is also safe for your pet while traveling. You may travel by plane, train or car, whatever mode of transportation, it is best to have your pet in a well-ventilated kennel. The kennel should be roomy enough to allow your pet to turn around, stand, and lay down. Don’t forget to restrain the kennel by securing a seatbelt around the front, so that it doesn’t slide all over the place.

3. Food, water, and travel bowls
It is necessary to keep your pet on the same diet that he or she has been accustomed to prevent diarrhea or vomiting. It is also important to pack water for yourself and your pet. Just carrying water won’t help your pet if you forget the bowl. Collapsible bowls are a great choice for pet-friendly travel.

4. Wipes and grooming tools
When you travel with pets, there are going to be messes. So it is necessary to carry wipes or extra towels with you for pet-friendly travel. It’s also important to carry grooming essentials including comb, brush, pet shampoo, nail clippers, and anything else your pet may need.

5. Identification and recent photo
Don’t forget to note down the license and microchip numbers of your pets. Make sure you carry an updated ID tag of your pet on his or her collar, including the cell phone number and the address of your destination. If your pet rushed out without his or her collar, a microchip provides a backup. Veterinary clinics and animal control centers can scan your pet and help in finding your pet. So before your departure, it is necessary to make sure your microchip company has your current contact information, including your vacation destination details. Also, have a photocopy of your pet, in case your pet goes missing. If you have a photo to pass around, you can organize a quick search party.

6. Vaccination records and other documents
The daycare facilities, grooming center or the parks you may go ask for the proof of vaccination. You need to make sure not only of travels that aren’t only pet friendly but also safe for others.