Benefits of Natural Treatments for Acid Reflux

Benefits of Natural Treatments for Acid Reflux

Nobody likes the uncomfortable feeling of acid creeping up their throat; this causes incredible pain in the chest. It also leaves them with an unpleasant burning sensation. For people with acid reflux and or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), the condition is incredibly bothersome. One may have trouble indulging in their favorite activities. However, before you rush to the pharmacy, there are some natural treatments for acid reflux that are worth giving a shot:

1. Baking soda
Many people advocate the use of baking soda, considering that it is a base substance, which neutralizes the effect of stomach acid. Therefore, even if the stomach acid does come back up the esophagus, it is not as uncomfortable. You can start by mixing one teaspoon with approximately eight ounces of water for the desired results. If one glass isn’t enough, you may repeat the process until you feel relieved. However, try to avoid more than seven doses of the concoction in a single day. Moreover, people should avoid using this treatment for more than a week as it may give rise to nausea and swelling. It is usually prescribed for extreme cases of GERD and the symptoms should ease up after a few days.

2. Try not to lie down after a meal
It would be smart not to lie down immediately after a meal as the contents of the said meal may be pushed back up the food pipe. Lying down flat after a heavy meal does put immense pressure on the esophageal sphincter. You are advised to let your food digest entirely for three to four hours before you decide to lie down or go to sleep. If you sit upright, you are in the optimal position, thereby keeping the food down in the stomach. If you must recline, lie on your bed at a slight elevation with a pillow wedged under you.

3. Consume more fruits
There are several fruits that can be consumed to counteract strong stomach acids. For example, bananas are a great fruit with natural antacids. You should eat a ripe banana or an apple every day. You can consume it a few hours before you sleep. It is observed that this reduces discomfort and will help stop the acid from coming up the food pipe. Other fruits that can work to your advantage include cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew. There are also some fruits that should be avoided as they have a high acidic content. These include oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit.

4. Ginger tea
Ginger tea is known for its medicinal properties and is particularly useful for stomach ailments. It can help with a stomach ache or acid reflux. The ginger root should be simmered in water for 15 minutes as this brings out the flavor and healing properties. It should be consumed before a meal so it is effective and helpful.

These natural treatments for acid reflux should help treat or manage your condition.