Dietary Tips for Multiple Myeloma

Dietary Tips for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer wherein cancer cells accumulated in the bone marrow crowd out the healthy blood-forming cells, resulting in a low blood count. A huge challenge faced by people suffering from conditions like multiple myeloma is the complete loss of appetite. The side effects of the treatment coupled with the nature of the disease account for the loss of appetite and patients simply don’t eat as much as they would have otherwise.

One of the main aspects of being able to manage the disease is a nutritious diet which will enable one to cope with its side effects. There are several foods that can expedite the healing process and it is important to get in touch with a dietician or a physician and ask about the right foods to consume. An appropriate diet along with the prescribed medication and therapy can really improve an individual’s chances of successfully coping with cancer.

Let’s examine some of the foods that act as natural treatments for multiple myeloma:

1. Green vegetables and fibers
Fruits and vegetables are helpful in fighting off infections that may occur with this blood cancer. They can also help get rid of constipation, which is a side effect of the treatment and other pain medication. Cooked vegetables should be the norm as anything raw can lead to an infection. It is advisable to follow the doctor’s instructions as an infection can be disastrous when the immune system is already weak. Adding fiber in the diet is another great way to improve one’s bowel movement. Fiber helps the body naturally break down foods and evacuate them through the bowels. Water and prune juice should also be consumed. Some sources of fiber include fruits such as pears and apples, figs, prunes, as well as other dried fruits, beans, nuts, cereals like oatmeal, and vegetables like celery, broccoli, artichokes, and carrots.

2. Foods rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals
The healthy blood cells are reduced significantly due to the presence of cancer and this often causes anemia, i.e., a shortage of red blood cells. It is important to consume foods that are rich in iron when this occurs as they are a great form of natural treatment for multiple myeloma. One of the best sources of iron remains dark or leafy green vegetables and beans, amongst others. Doctors often prescribe vitamin supplements as they contain nutrients that the body requires. Vitamin D, folate, and iron supplements are often prescribed. It is important to get a doctor’s approval before starting any supplement as they could potentially affect one’s treatment.

3. Foods to avoid when suffering from multiple myeloma
It is important to keep in mind that the disease affects the immune system and makes it incapable of protecting the body against diseases and infections of any sort. Individuals suffering from the condition are required to avoid certain foods which will only exacerbate the problem. These foods include runny eggs, raw meat and fish, and sushi. One should ensure that the milk being consumed is pasteurized and that all fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed.

Lifestyle changes have a big effect when fighting cancer and form an important component of the multi-pronged strategy when it comes to natural treatments for multiple myeloma.