Effective Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Effective Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair with plenty of volume and luster is considered as healthy. Our scalp has around 100,000 or more hair follicles. Hair has a life-span of around two to five years during which hair grows and dies. However, factors like nutrition, stress, illnesses, and harmful haircare products can play an important role in maintaining the health of hair. It is normal to lose anywhere between 50 to 100 strands of hair each day; the loss of 100 strands in 100,000 follicles isn’t something to worry about. The cause of worry arises only when the hair fall rate is unusually high and causes bald patches or if it falls in clumps.

There are many cosmetic products and treatments and medicines to treat hair fall. It is still safer to try home remedies as they will be long term and will not have any significant side effects. However, if the condition is very severe, you should opt for tests and medical treatments. If you have mild hair fall, you can try natural alternatives, such as the following, that are completely safe for the scalp and skin.

1. Raw egg mask
The peptide in egg yolk, which is water-soluble, possesses hair growth-stimulating and nourishing properties. It helps strengthens the hair roots. Lutein, a naturally occurring carotenoid present in eggs, helps hydrate the hair and improves its elasticity and prevents breakage and hair loss. You can whisk the egg and apply it on your scalp and hair, leave it on for around 30 minutes to an hour, and rinse it off with cold water and shampoo.

2. Green tea
Green tea contains the polyphenol EGCG, which stimulates the growth of dermal cells of the scalp. It helps in the prevention and treatment of alopecia as well. Consume green tea (without sugar) one to two times daily for best results.

3. Yogurt
Yogurt is a powerhouse of probiotics. This leads to the development of an acidic pH level which can alter your hair cuticles, giving you a shiny mane and preventing damage which may cause hair breakage and hair loss. Consume at least one bowl of probiotic yogurt daily.

4. Coconut oil
Coconut oil stimulates hair growth by getting deep into the hair follicles and promotes a healthy scalp too. Regular use of coconut oil for a scalp massage also helps prevent dandruff and lice. It adds luster, shine, and softness to the hair. Certain components present in the coconut oil helps to prevent premature greying of hair. You can massage warm virgin coconut oil gently onto your scalp and hair for a minimum of ten minutes. Leave it on for at least an hour before washing the hair. Try this at least once or twice a week.

5. Vitamins
Deficiencies of vitamins H, D, and E have been linked to hair loss. You can supplement these deficiencies with vitamin tablets. However, do consult with your doctor before taking such supplements.

6. Onion juice
The topical application of freshly extracted onion juice to the scalp aids hair regrowth, especially when affected by alopecia. To make the juice, you can blend an onion with 2 tablespoons of water in a blender. Apply the juice to the scalp and leave it on for 30 to 60 minutes and rinse it off with water. Try this at least one to two times per week for best results.

You need to invest in a good hair care regimen from a young age to keep it in good condition. Treat your hair as you would your body for good results. If you experience hair loss due to hereditary factors, it is advisable to consult with a doctor for medical treatments.