Essential Oils for Skin and Hair Care

Essential Oils for Skin and Hair Care

Essential oils for skin and hair care are gaining popularity today as they are considered organic due to the very fact that they are extracted from parts of a plant like its leaves, barks, rinds, and herbs. There are also various extraction methods used by commercial producers in order to add these oils into products like creams and gels into a concentrated form. These products can also be used directly onto the skin or by diluting them in water. However, the real question is how much of an effect do these oils bear on our health. It is best to get your doctor’s opinion and stop using it in case you find any side effects. Here are a few things to be aware of before you use essential oils for skin and hair care:

1. Use essential oils if you are too anxious.
There are certain simple smelling essential oils such as rosewater, chamomile, and lavender that can be rubbed on your skin or breathed in through diffusion in the air. This will help calm down the mind and prevent any stress or anxiety from setting in, especially if these are triggers for your hair loss or skin rashes.

2. Never use essential oils for skin and hair care anywhere and everywhere.
These oils are only safe for topical application on the arms and legs and are not to be consumed orally or applied on the nose, eyes, or private parts. Some of the best forms of essential oils that are good for direct application on your hands and legs include lemongrass, cinnamon, and peppermint.

3. Make sure to check the quality of the essential oil for skin and hair care usage.
It is important that you make a note of the brand you choose and know more about it as there are many unknown extractors out there selling bad quality products in the market. Using the wrong product can cause your hair and skin to be damaged.

4. Never go for the buzzwords that scream natural essential oil for skin and hair care.
It is true that these are plant extracts, but it is not to be bought just because the label reads organic or pure. These substances react differently with different skin and hair types and can easily end up irritating your skin or becoming toxic to your body. Make sure you always do a sample test in one small portion of your body before you start using it aggressively.

5. Always throw out any old essential oils that you bought for skin and hair care.
There is a shelf life to these oils, and in general, these shouldn’t be stored for more than three years. As the oil ages, they can get spoiled and have adverse effects on your skin and hair due to overexposure to oxygen. Instead of being beneficial, they can easily end up causing allergic reactions. If you see any change in the oil’s consistency or the way it appears, throw them out even if it has not reached the three-year mark.