Essential Tips for Mattresses and Back Pain

Essential Tips for Mattresses and Back Pain

Lifestyle hazards have caused difficulties in the lives of many. These hazards include obesity, heart-related conditions, and many more. Although remedial measures have been taken, these lifestyle hazards are becoming increasingly common. Moreover, there is one health problem that most of us tend to neglect—back pain. Mostly caused by a rough lifestyle, many factors can lead to back problems. One such cause of back pain that is overlooked most of the time is the mattress you use at night. If your mattress is of low quality, not only will it have adverse effects on your back, but it will also affect the quality of your sleep and your overall performance in your daily tasks. So, here are some tips for you to know if your mattress is responsible for back pain.

1. Your mattress is old
Most people do not know that it is important to change mattresses every eight years, at least. An old mattress means a lot of wear and tear, and that eventually hampers the quality of support it provides to your back at night. As the mattresses grow old, their coils, toughness, and firmness deteriorate, and consequently all of these factors combined make the mattresses less comfortable. According to experts, if you don’t sleep on an effective or a high-quality mattress, your back will not get maximum support and you will end up sleeping in positions that will put a strain on your muscles and back. To put it simply, the older the mattress, the higher the chances of backaches.

2. You wake up with a backache
One of the most important tips is to pay attention to any back pain that you may experience in the morning. If you go to bed fine but wake up with a sore back, it is time you paid some attention to your mattress. A mattress that does not provide the right amount of alignment to your spine at night is bound to cause backaches in the morning. Never go for too firm or too soft mattresses. Always pick a medium-firm mattress because only they can provide the perfect amount of support that your back needs.

3. You are constantly moving at night
If your mattress is the reason behind your back pain, it is highly likely that it is also the reason for your poor quality of sleep. If your mattress has not been giving your back ample support, you will constantly toss and turn in your bed all night. Although there can be many health issues behind the poor quality of sleep, backache is the first one you should deal with. So, if the quality of your sleep at night is accompanied by back pain in the morning, your mattress is responsible.

4. Your mattress cannot retain its shape
A good quality mattress that is not hard on your back must retain its shape no matter how much weight is exerted on it. If you notice that your mattress starts to drip down as soon as you sit or sleep on it, it may be the reason for your back pain.