Helpful Tips for Drinking More Water

Helpful Tips for Drinking More Water

Water is essential to the health and wellness of the human body. Hydration helps flush out toxins, aids in digestion, and prevents constipation. Drinking water also helps to regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, and deliver nutrients to cells. The health benefits of drinking water are well-documented, but many people still don’t drink enough water. If you’re looking to up your water intake, follow these tips to help you drink more water:

1. Get a water filtration system
A quality water filtration system will remove impurities from your tap water, making it more palatable and enjoyable to drink. A water filtration system can help you drink more by making the water taste better. It is essential because many people dislike the taste of tap water. Some people believe that tap water is contaminated and unsafe to drink. When you like the taste, you are more likely to drink it and stay hydrated.

2. Carry a reusable water bottle
Having a water bottle with you at all times will remind you to drink more water. Plus,  reusable bottles are more sustainable than buying bottled water. You may forget to drink water throughout the day, but having a water bottle with you will help you stay on track. A reusable water bottle is more convenient than buying bottled water and many types keep water cold all day long.

3. Drink a glass of water before each meal
Drinking water before meals can help to fill you up and prevent you from overeating—while keeping you hydrated. Doctors suggest drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before each meal. When adequately hydrated, people are less likely to eat more calories than they need, which helps maintain a healthy weight.

4. Set reminders to drink water
Set a daily or hourly reminder on your phone or computer to drink water. The act of setting reminders will prompt you to drink water throughout the day. Use your smartphone calendar or download apps, such as Aqualert, a handy water tracker and reminder tool that helps promote healthy water-drinking habits.

5. Flavor your water
If you find plain water unappealing, try adding fruit (i.e., citrus or frozen berries), herbs (i.e., basil or mint), or cucumber slices to make it more appealing. Adding a light, unsweetened flavor booster may help you consume more water than you otherwise would. When you enjoy drinking water, you’ll find you have more mental and physical energy throughout your day.

There are plenty of additional reasons to make an effort to drink more water each day. Although drinking more water is not a cure-all for better health, it can certainly help improve your overall physical and mental well-being.