Hyperthyroidism Treatment Methods

Hyperthyroidism Treatment Methods

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that is marked by hyperactivity in the thyroid gland. In this disease, the thyroid makes excess amounts of its T3 and T4 hormones. Hyperthyroidism is generally caused by Graves’ disease, which is an autoimmune condition. Graves’ disease tends to run in families and researchers are still trying to find out exactly why it affects some people and not others.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include nausea and vomiting, brittle hair and nails, irritability, weight loss, nervousness, and insomnia. This article talks about current methods for treating thyroid diseases like hyperthyroidism.

1. Medication
The first line of treatment for hyperthyroidism is medication. These medicines stop the thyroid gland from excessive production of its hormones. Common anti-thyroid medications include propylthiouracil and methimazole. Treatment with these medicines generally continues over several months to one year. Some patients might experience side-effects such as hives or even fever. In certain cases, long-term consumption of antithyroid medicines can lead to liver damage.

2. Surgery
Some patients are unable to take thyroid medication due to allergies or delicate medical conditions (such as pregnancy). In such cases, surgery is recommended. Surgery for treating thyroid disease is known as thyroidectomy. In this surgery, either a part of or the entire thyroid is removed. However, a thyroidectomy may damage the vocal cords or the parathyroid glands. Additionally, removing the thyroid gland means that the person would require a lifelong dose of thyroid hormone. Patients are warned of the risks beforehand.

3. Radioactive iodine
Radioactive iodine can be taken orally. It helps the thyroid gland shrink in size. In some cases, the consumption of radioactive iodine can cause the thyroid gland to slow its functioning to such an extent where the patient develops hypothyroidism. In such cases, doctors then prescribe hypothyroidism medicines to level out thyroid functioning.

4. Beta-blockers
These medicines are prescribed to patients who suffer from a rapid heart rate due to hyperthyroidism. Beta-blockers are only prescribed temporarily till the heart rate normalizes. They are not recommended to asthmatics. However, beta-blockers can have side-effects such as tiredness and a lowered libido.

5. Stress management
Stress is known to trigger thyroid dysfunction. Patients who are undergoing treatment for thyroid problems are advised to undertake some stress-relieving activities to help them better cope with their health issues. These stress-relief activities can be as simple as getting a few extra hours of sleep, learning to meditate, practicing yoga, or learning a new skill such as a musical instrument. Stress is a major trigger and threat for those suffering from Graves’ disease, so stress management is indispensable in recovering from an overactive thyroid.

6. Weight-bearing exercises
Hyperthyroidism can lead to weak bones. Doing weight-bearing exercises helps maintain strong bones and can prevent an onset of osteoporosis. It is best to get professional help from a gym instructor who will advise you on what exercises suit you best as per your health condition.