Natural Ways to Get Nourished and Healthy Skin

Natural Ways to Get Nourished and Healthy Skin

Healthy skin that is soft, moisturized, glowing, and radiant is indeed everyone’s dream. Considering the hectic life people lead nowadays, and the stress we experience, it might be difficult to follow a healthy, stress-free lifestyle. Many folks turn to natural skin care in hopes of using Mother Nature to restore their skin. However, ensure to stay consistent in your skincare regime. Here are some quick and easy natural ways to care for your skin so that your skin feels nourished:

1. Stay hydrated
If you do not remain hydrated, it will begin to show on your skin. You would end up having dry, dull, or flaky skin. The body shows signs that it is not performing optimally because of a lack of water. Hydrating your body indeed saves you from a lot of trouble. While all kinds of liquids help you to hydrate, there is nothing equivalent to water.

2. Eat right and preferably organic
The key to healthy skin is a healthy diet. Give your body the best in terms of food and you will be able to see the results. Spinach, raspberries, pomegranate, seeds, green tea, and berries are some great food options. They slow down the aging process by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Your meals should certainly include rainbow-colored vegetables at least once a day. Additionally, consuming organic foods will further benefit your skin as they’re toxin-free.

3. Vitamin C
To be wrinkle-free, just take vitamin C. It slows down the aging process and also helps in the regeneration of the skin. It increases the production of collagen as well.

4. Detox regularly
Ensure to detox; ideally, this should be a daily routine. Your body needs to flush the excess secretion of toxins, and this can be made possible through some ingenious methods like drinking hot water with lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey or taking green tea or even consuming drinks with activated charcoal.

5. Exercise regularly
Sweating it out is a great way to flush out the toxins, and it also increases the blood circulation in your body, especially in the skin and helps your skin glow!

6. Reduce your sugar intake
Besides fulfilling all those sugar cravings, sugar does not really add any value to the body. It slows down the collagen production, thereby hastening the aging process of the skin and reduces the elasticity of the skin making it appear aged and dull. It would be best to monitor your sugar intake. If it is more than a couple of teaspoons a day, it is best to look for an alternate solution. Jaggery is certainly a healthy substitute for sugar.

7. Sleep well
While sleep comes naturally to us, the question is how long do we sleep for and what is the quality of sleep? Just like other parts of the body, the skin is in an active repair mode at night. In order to rejuvenate, one needs a minimum of six hours of undisturbed sleep.