The Common ADHD Myths

The Common ADHD Myths

Myths associated with ADHD can be common, and you may sometimes find it difficult as to what to believe when it comes to ADHD. Let’s try and debunk some of the most common ADHD myths.

1. ADHD cannot be cured and it exists for a lifetime
ADHD undoubtedly affects an individual’s focus and has a drastic impact on his or her life, but it would be wrong to say that ADHD cannot be cured. The fact is if managed properly and if the condition is identified in time, the right treatment can be ascertained and the person can be cured.

2. Only psychiatrists can treat patients with ADHD
One of the most common ADHD myths is that only psychiatrists can treat patients with ADHD. Although psychiatrists are well trained in dealing with ADHD, several other professionals are equally well versed and experienced in handling cases with ADHD. For instance, pediatricians, psychologists, physicians, neurologists, and several others are also trained well and know how to treat people suffering from ADHD. It is important to note that there is a shortage of psychiatrists in the country. As such, when required, one must not just stick to psychiatrists and instead seek other options as well.

3. Individuals who can pay attention do not have ADHD
There have been several cases where individuals with ADHD have shown better intelligence level than others. Needless to say, there could be times when a person with ADHD may exhibit better focus or even better attention than anyone else. In most cases, when a person with ADHD gets an opportunity to do something of his or her interest, they get into a state of hyper-focus because of which they do not even keep track of time.

4. ADHD-related medicines are dangerous and the person may soon become addicted to them
Alike other medications, even medicines prescribed for ADHD are given in appropriate dosages. In most cases (approximately 80-90% cases), these medications are extremely helpful. Apart from that, it is always advised that the medications are also substituted with exercises, education, lifestyle modification, tutoring, etc. It has also been reported that medications for ADHD taken under normal dosages do not even have side effects.

5. If you are hyperactive and disruptive, you have ADHD
People who are not restless or who look as if they are daydreaming can also have ADHD. Often, some people are not diagnosed with ADHD because they are quiet and keep to themselves. The fact is that “primarily inattentive people” come under the category of ADHD unlike the aggressive types who come under the category of “combined types.”

6. ADHD is caused by too much pollution, electronics, or other environmental issues
While the above could add to the negative effects of ADHD, they are not the causative factors of ADHD. In several cases, it is a genetic disposition that is responsible for ADHD; the above-mentioned factors only intensify the effects.