Tips to Stop Windshield Cracks from Spreading

Tips to Stop Windshield Cracks from Spreading

Cracking your windshield not only ruins and damages the look of your car, but it also blocks the view while driving, making it dangerous to drive. What’s more, the crack can quickly spread too, burning a deep hole in your pocket when you finally get around to fixing it. So how can you stop a windshield crack from spreading and will it be an expensive process? The first step to stop the crack from spreading is preventing stressors, such as debris, dirt, or water, from entering the crack.

To stop a crack from getting worse, use clear tape to keep the shattered glass in place. This, however, is a temporary solution that will not hold up in a car wash, extreme weather conditions, or even bumpy roads. The article below tells you about the ways in which you can go about fixing your car’s windshield and stop the cracks from spreading:

1. Buying windshield repair kits
If you’re looking to repair cracks in the windshield yourself, buy a windshield repair kit. While there are various kinds of kits available in the market, most of them contain an adaptor and a specialized resin liquid, which gets seals the crack from outside elements. The sealed resin lessens stressors on the glass and prevents additional spreading. Each kit carries specialized instructions on how to apply and cure the resin.

2. Using super glue to hold the glass in place
If the damage is not much and is limited to a few tiny scratches, fixing the windshield temporarily is much easier. In this case, you can simply use cyanoacrylate glue, or as it is popularly known, super glue. Apply and force the glue into the crack or spread an even layer on it. Once the super glue dries, it helps keep both sides of the crack together, reducing any additional damage.

3. Using nail polish for temporary fixes
There have been reports of clear acrylic nail polish being a great temporary solution for fixing cracked windshields. After ensuring there is no debris left in and around the cracked portion, generously apply nail polish to the edges of the cracked glass on it, as well as the outer areas to which the crack could spread. This fix helps hold the glass together for a short time period, allowing you to schedule a repair for later on.

4. Parking in the shade
The summer heat can quickly increase the car temperatures from inside, increasing the pressure on the windshield as well. Additionally, there are many other factors that can increase the risk of the cracks spreading, like wind, rain, and snow. When you park in the shade, the impact of the temperature change and other factors is lowered considerably. Parking inside garages will also help in lowering any stress to the already cracked windshield.

5. Hiring a professional repair expert
The best thing that can be done is to hire a professional repair expert to have a look at your windshield glass and fix it. Professionals are experts who possess the right materials, tools, experience, and knowledge to assess correctly whether your windshield needs fixing or replacing.