Liquid Assets: An Overview

Liquid Assets: An Overview

Liquid assets are the type of assets that can be easily and quickly converted into cash with no impact on their value. Generally, liquid assets are seen in the same way as cash because their value is more or less the same when they are sold. To fit the standard criteria of a liquid asset, an asset should be available in an established market with a large pool of interested buyers, and it must have the characteristic of easy transferability. Liquid assets are used by both individuals and business corporations, and some types of liquid assets are cash, savings accounts, money market accounts, and checking accounts, which are also known as cash equivalents. Stocks and government bonds or marketable securities are some other types of liquid assets. 1. On the balance sheet It is important to note that just as other types of assets are listed on the balance sheet of a company, liquid assets are also listed relative to their levels of liquidity. This means the assets with higher liquidity are placed on top, while the least liquid ones are at the bottom. While it would be difficult to measure the exact liquidity of each asset, analysts and experts use several strategies like quick ratio and cash ratio to judge the liquidity of a company.
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Things to Know About Reverse Mortgages

Things to Know About Reverse Mortgages

A reverse mortgage is a loan financing option provided to senior homeowners who are 62 years or more in age to help them financially during the retirement years. In this loan, the borrower is loaned money against home equity. It offers utmost flexibility to the homeowner (borrower), as he/she need not repay any money until the time of residing in the home. This is where reverse mortgage scores over a traditional mortgage, as the borrower receives payments from the lender, that too by retaining the ownership of the home. Explained ahead are the different payment options and things to remember before opting for a reverse mortgage. 1. Payment options involved in a reverse mortgage When you decide to choose a reverse mortgage, the lender will provide you with various payment options you can choose from. These are: Lump-sum In case of a lump-sum option, you receive all the proceeds in one go during the closure of your loan. A lump-sum is the only payment alternative that has a fixed rate of interest. The other five alternatives have adjustable interest rates. Term payments In terms of payments, the lender will provide you equal monthly payments for a fixed period opted by you.
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7 Home Maintenance Hacks to Save Money

7 Home Maintenance Hacks to Save Money

The importance of home maintenance cannot be stressed enough! People of all ages and backgrounds are often so busy with work and school that they neglect the upkeep of their homes. A little upkeep can make a significant difference in your home’s value and appeal: it will prolong the lifespan of the foundation and roof, reduce potential health risks like mold and weather damage, and help avoid more costly issues later on. Here are seven home maintenance hacks that will keep your home safe, sound and looking its best: 1. Fix scuffs and dents in flooring Whether you have hardwood, tile, or carpeting in your home, repairing minor scuffs and dents on the surface can prevent costly repairs down the road. You can fix small scuffs and dents with a carpet knife or putty knife; larger ones may be fixable with a stapler. 2. Seal and fill foundation cracks If you notice cracks in your home’s foundation, it’s probably a good idea to seal them as soon as possible. Foundation cracks can cause moisture to seep into your home, which can attract termites and mold. Seal foundation cracks with polyurethane, silicone, or latex concrete caulk. 3. Improve timeworn windows Avoid costly repairs to your windows with a little upkeep, such as fixing ripped screens and spraying windows that skip and stick with silicone lubricant.
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Top Earning Side Hustles

Top Earning Side Hustles

Hustle culture and side hustles have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly among young adults and entrepreneurs. Hustle culture is a mindset that emphasizes the importance of working hard, being productive, and constantly striving for success. Side hustles are a part of hustle culture, where part-time jobs or entrepreneurial ventures are pursued alongside a person’s main source of income. Side hustles can offer financial benefits and opportunities for personal growth. Here are the top earring side hustles you can pursue: 1. Participate in clinical trials Clinical trials are a great opportunity to make a difference in this world and getting paid to do it. Oftentimes universities and hospitals will offer clinical trials where they implement different biomedical or behavioral studies on willing participants. If you suffer from a health disorder like asthma or osteoporosis you may be able to find a study that you can participate in about that disorder, or if you are completely healthy you might be able to participate in a control group. Regardless, there are many opportunities to make money on the side by participating in clinical trials. 2. Work with pets There are many different jobs in the world of pets, many of which can be done on the side.
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The 5 Most Valuable Coins to Be on The Lookout For

The 5 Most Valuable Coins to Be on The Lookout For

Whether you’re just starting out or have been collecting rare coins for years, you know just how much value some coins can have. There are many types of collectibles, with some people having gold collections with items from the US gold reserve or gold bars, but most collecting individuals find pleasure in finding rare, valuable coins. You can buy and sell valuable coins at auctions or even online on websites like Ebay. Whether they’re gold/silver, bullion, made by the U.S. Mint or another mint, most rare coins have very subtle features that make them valuable, so make sure you don’t give away your coins before taking a look—you never know if you’ve come across a rare one. Here’s the 5 most valuable coins by the U.S. Mint you should be on the lookout for: 1. Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle This gold coin is precious to those who collect it as a result of its rarity and the history that comes with it. Designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the coin was minted between 1907 and 1933 with a mintage of 445,500; however, there are only 12 known to exist today. This coin features Lady Liberty standing in front of sun rays on the obverse and an eagle in flight on the reverse.
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