Surgery for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Surgery for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Surgery for non-small cell lung cancer is recommended for early-stage lung cancer treatment as it provides the best chances for a complete cure . This type of surgery is extremely complicated and can only be performed by an experienced oncologist. Before going ahead with the surgery, the doctor will conduct certain pulmonary function tests to ensure the patient is in good enough health, as a part of their lung or accompanying tissues has to be removed. Additionally, heart health is also examined. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, then surgery is not advised: 1. Types of surgical treatments for son-small cell lung cancer Lung cancer treatments are not limited to a single type of surgery. Here are the different types of surgeries that are done to remove malignant cells from the affected lung: Lobectomy: A person’s lungs are made up of a total of five lobes. In this surgery, the lobes with the cancerous cells are removed. This is the most common type of surgery done for non-small cell lung cancer. Segmentectomy: In some cases, a patient’s health will not withstand the removal of an entire lung lobe and therefore, only a section of the affected lobe is removed.
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Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Types in Children

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Types in Children

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is usually characterized by the cells’ size, shape, arrangement, and growth pattern under a microscope. The size of the cells could either be large and small and their shape either cleaved or non-cleaved. Based on their growth pattern, they can vary between diffuse and follicular as well. The diffused cells are not scattered in appearance and follicular cells have a cluster-like formation. However, these characteristics are not always used to describe lymphoma types. Sometimes, they have to go under special lab tests to be classified as a lymphoma type correctly. The most frequently occurring types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can differ between children and adults. The common non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma types found in children are: Lymphoblastic Burkitt Large cell The common feature found in all three types is that they multiply quickly and diffuse. The course of treatment for the condition highly depends on the type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma the child has been diagnosed with: 1. Lymphoblastic lymphoma This is the second-most common type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma found in children, accounting for about 25-30% of the total cases reported. Male children are at a higher risk of developing this disease than female children. The cancer cells found in children who suffer from lymphoblastic lymphoma are young and are known as lymphoblasts.
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Alternative Treatments to Manage ADHD

Alternative Treatments to Manage ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that impacts the development of the brain. Things like difficulty paying attention, being overactive, and poor impulse control are the primary signs of this brain disorder. Aside from this, an individual with ADHD tends to easily overlook or miss details, fail to follow through with tasks given, be forgetful, squirm around constantly, and feel restless. This then results in problems with social interactions and an inability to maintain relationships. This may give way to poor self-esteem and isolation. Individuals with ADHD show certain warning signs that can tip their family, well-wishers, and doctors off. Medication is one of the most common approaches to treat ADHD. In addition to this, therapy, education or training, and a combination of the mentioned treatment forms are used. There are also certain alternative treatments to manage ADHD which involve lifestyle changes. These may not be sufficient by themselves in cases of severe ADHD but they help tremendously and can bolster the effect of the medication and therapy. Let’s examine some alternative treatments to manage ADHD: 1. Sleep and ADHD Good quality sleep can lead to a huge improvement in the symptoms of ADHD. A person’s body recharges when they sleep and poor quality rest can lead to a person feeling groggier and grumpier throughout the day.
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Coping with Side Effects of Melanoma Treatments

Coping with Side Effects of Melanoma Treatments

Although science has made several advancements in the field of cancer, the treatment is still not completely clear of side effects. Melanoma treatment can change the way a person feels and how the body reacts to certain situations. Different people react to the same treatment in different ways, which makes it difficult to predict the reaction of the body after the treatment. When it’s time for treatment, it is completely normal to experience some anxiety. However, after the treatment, one may witness various physical, emotional, social, and financial side effects that one must be wary of: 1. Physical side effects There are numerous factors that affect the physical side effects of melanoma treatment. Certain primary factors include the stage at which cancer is detected, treatment course and dosage, and other factors like age and general health of the patient. Lymphedema, or buildup of fluid in the affected limb, may be possible if the treatment involves either or both lymph node dissection or radiation therapy under the arm or groin. Several therapies can help in such a condition in addition to some special kinds of massages and support garments. If there are apparent health differences because of the treatment, it’s best to talk to a medical specialist.
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Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat Migraine Headaches

Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat Migraine Headaches

Migraine is one of the most recurring headaches and is most incorrectly understood. While some people believe that migraine headache is a sudden pain attack, the condition is severe and is related to neurological symptoms. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, nearly 12% of people suffer from migraines in the country. There are several other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, visual changes, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smell that can accompany a migraine attack. While it is not easy to overcome this condition, there are a lot of medicines that can provide instant relief. However, if you want to treat this condition without any side-effects of medicines, there are some lifestyle changes that serve as migraine headache natural treatments: 1. Changes in diet There are some foods that trigger a migraine attack and some that help get relief from the pain. We must understand which foods to avoid if we are prone to suffering migraine headaches. These include processed foods, cheese, alcohol, chocolate, and caffeinated beverages. Similarly, orange, yellow, and green vegetables help cure migraines and also relieve one from pain instantly. One may choose to change their eating patterns frequently to understand what triggers migraine and also maintain a journal that will help document the progress.
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Dietary Tips for Multiple Myeloma

Dietary Tips for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer wherein cancer cells accumulated in the bone marrow crowd out the healthy blood-forming cells, resulting in a low blood count. A huge challenge faced by people suffering from conditions like multiple myeloma is the complete loss of appetite. The side effects of the treatment coupled with the nature of the disease account for the loss of appetite and patients simply don’t eat as much as they would have otherwise. One of the main aspects of being able to manage the disease is a nutritious diet which will enable one to cope with its side effects. There are several foods that can expedite the healing process and it is important to get in touch with a dietician or a physician and ask about the right foods to consume. An appropriate diet along with the prescribed medication and therapy can really improve an individual’s chances of successfully coping with cancer. Let’s examine some of the foods that act as natural treatments for multiple myeloma: 1. Green vegetables and fibers Fruits and vegetables are helpful in fighting off infections that may occur with this blood cancer. They can also help get rid of constipation, which is a side effect of the treatment and other pain medication.
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Emerging Treatments for Multiple Myeloma

Emerging Treatments for Multiple Myeloma

The standard treatments for multiple myeloma, a cancer that forms in the plasma cells, include biological therapy, radiation therapy, corticosteroids, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and even a bone marrow transplant. In the case of deciding whether a person with multiple myeloma may require a bone marrow transplant, a doctor will check factors such as how far the disease may progress and one’s age and overall health. If one is considered as a good candidate for the transplant, the treatment plan will include targeted therapy, biological therapy, and even corticosteroids. Sometimes, chemotherapy might also be recommended. The doctor may then wait to see if the condition relapses before going in for a bone marrow transplant. After the transplant, biological and targeted therapy is generally used to prevent a relapse. Some patients may not be considered as good candidates for a bone marrow transplant because of certain reasons. As such, their treatment will mainly include chemotherapy along with corticosteroids and biological or targeted therapies. In some cases, if the treatment has no effect, the doctor may make some changes to the treatment path. If standard treatments don’t work, the doctor may talk to the patient with multiple myeloma about experimental treatments and may consider them for clinical trials.
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Depression Treatments Through Lifestyle Changes

Depression Treatments Through Lifestyle Changes

Depression is a clinical illness that requires immediate care and treatment from a counselor or therapist. While medication and therapy do work as the first line of cure, there are several activities you may help improve one’s quality of life, and that can be used in conjunction with traditional medications and therapies. The following lifestyle changes can be included in your daily routine as they work wonders as natural treatments for depression: 1. The importance of a routine Many experts opine that starting a routine is the key to get out of depression. Depression is responsible for removing all structure in life, as days, weeks, and even months might pass by with no relief. You are advised to create a schedule and abide by it at all costs. This will help energize you and give you the necessary impetus to get out of bed and live your life to the fullest. 2. Goal setting Depression can ruin your self-esteem and sense of self-worth which can be devastating. It can strip away your confidence and make you feel useless and unworthy. You may even feel like you can’t accomplish anything important. But before matters take a turn for the worse, you must set daily goals.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid for Psoriatic Arthritis

Foods to Eat and Avoid for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that can affect some people who suffer from psoriasis. Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints on the body, and psoriasis is a condition that features red patches on skin with silvery scales. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any part of the body; from the fingertips to the spine and the pain ranges from mild to severe. Since there is no permanent cure for this condition, there are some ways to control the symptoms. For instance, being mindful of triggers and being aware of some natural remedies that may help soothe symptoms. Since diet and nutrition play an important role in managing diseases, let us look at some natural foods that you should eat and avoid if you are living with psoriatic arthritis: 1. Consume anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant foods Since inflammation is a problematic issue for patients of psoriatic arthritis, choosing natural foods that have anti-inflammatory properties is a wise choice. Omega 3s are especially good for this purpose and they have been thoroughly researched for their anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the omega-3 rich foods that you can include in your diet are olive oil, flaxseed, avocados, salmon, tuna, and even nuts.
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Dietary Tips for Lymphoma Patients

Dietary Tips for Lymphoma Patients

A healthy diet is vital for both mental and physical health as it provides nutrition to the body. It is essentially the body’s primary source of nutrients for growth, repair, and other important functions. Also, a healthy diet and good health is a natural treatment to boost immunity and response to treatment for cancers like lymphoma. It can also increase the patient’s tolerance of higher doses during chemotherapy and protect them from infections. Many assume that having a healthy diet is a commitment that needs to be made only during treatment. However, it is imperative to watch out for food habits even after treatment and while in the recovery process. Getting the right amount of nutrients not only helps the patient retain their energy and strength but also reduces the risk of other types of cancers and diseases. Here are the best dietary tips for natural treatment of lymphoma: 1. Eat a dedicated amount of carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy that the body needs for its smooth functioning. In addition, they are a rich source of fiber, which plays a vital role in digestion. The recommended intake of carbohydrates is around one-third of one’s total intake of food in the day.
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