Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn affects many people around the world and causes them to be extremely uncomfortable after mealtime. In order to eliminate these symptoms, you can try a variety of natural remedies including ginger, baking soda and water, apple cider vinegar, chewing gum, and quitting smoking. Although you can easily take anti-heartburn medication over the counter, it is always a healthier choice to seek out natural remedies, like these, for the cure you need: 1. Give ginger a try! Ginger is an old-time remedy that has been used to cure heartburn for centuries. Although most people tend to lean on ginger ale to receive the heartburn benefits, most soda companies do not actually use real ginger. To receive the maximum benefits from ginger, you should try adding ginger root to your tea, soup, or stir fry. Not only will you notice a decrease in heartburn but you will also get to add delicious ingredients to your daily meal plan. 4. Baking soda and water Acid reflux is not someone anyone would ever wish upon another person. What we want to do is pass on the natural remedies to help cure them, such as baking soda and water. By drinking a glass of water with one teaspoon of baking soda, you will neutralize your stomach acid and get rid of your heartburn symptoms 3.
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The Health Benefits of the Keto Diet

The Health Benefits of the Keto Diet

When you are looking for a diet that works with your body to strengthen it, you need to look to the Keto diet. This diet is one that is easy to follow and helps the body develop natural and healthy rhythms that will keep it working and help it balance itself. The ketogenic diet is one that has few carbs, limited protein, and is high in fat. The diet’s goal is to get your body into the state known as ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body runs out of glycogen (sugar), and it forces the body to find, or burn, an additional source of fuel. By searching for this additional source of fuel, your liver begins to process ketones, a source of fat, which then becomes the fuel, or energy, for the body. The benefits of the keto diet are many, which makes this an easy diet to maintain and continue. A diet works to change the body’s chemistry to make it more efficient. By adopting the keto diet, dieters may notice the following health benefits: 1. Better mental focus The more traditional diet uses carbs for energy. Carbs cause blood sugar spikes, which means your energy levels rise and fall uncontrollably.
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Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Osteoporosis

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bone mass and overall quality of bones. The condition causes bones to become brittle and weak which can lead to bone fractures. Bones are living tissue that is constantly being replaced and osteoporosis occurs when bone mass is lost faster than it can be created. More than 50 million Americans are living with osteoporosis and low bone density today. There are lifestyle changes you can make to help maintain the strength and quality of your bones much longer, including the following: 1. Calcium-rich osteoporosis diet Calcium is essential to bone health. Eating a balanced diet with a variety of foods high in calcium helps your body adequately supply the areas of your body that need it the most, without having to borrow it from your bones. Dairy foods like milk, eggs, and cheese, contain the highest amounts of calcium. In addition to dairy foods, you can get a fair amount of calcium from other sources like sardines, almonds, and spinach. 2. Vitamin D In order for calcium to reach our bones, our bodies must first properly absorb it. This is where vitamin D kicks in. Vitamin D helps the body absorb the calcium in your diet.
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Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

To see children suffering with atopic dermatitis is heartbreaking. The symptoms for atopic dermatitis include itchiness, redness with a rash, scaly dry skin, and open sores. It is an autoimmune disease that results in increased skin sensitivity. The rash will appear on babies around their mouths, chin, elbows, and knees. Later it can show up in the folds of the skin, on the scalp, behind the ears and even on the bottom of the feet. All of this may not sound so terrible until one realizes that there is an increased chance of asthma as result of this disease and that the sores can become infected, especially as the moisture barrier breaks down. There are a variety of treatments available that at the very least will make the occasional flare-up easier on a child or adult. The following treatments can provide relief from the symptoms of atopic dermatitis: 1. Keep nails trimmed The first line of defense is to break the dreaded itch-scratch cycle. Nothing could be easier than to trim the nails since it will be nearly impossible to stop a baby from scratching. At least this step alone will help prevent the opening of the sores. 2. Stay away from allergens Dust, animal hair, and cigarette smoke are all common irritants.
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Natural Remedies for Colds and Flu

Natural Remedies for Colds and Flu

The cold and flu season impacts many people in different ways. Sometimes, a simple cold is easy to manage, but when the symptoms are more than that of a cold, it is more than likely the flu. The symptoms of coughing, sneezing, and congestion are typical cold symptoms. When the symptoms include all of this plus body aches, fever, chills, muscle aches, green or yellow mucus, or tiredness, it could be the flu. Generally, the flu is usually diagnosed by a doctor, and treated with prescribed medications. There are, however, some treatments that can be done at home to help mild cases of a cold or flu: 1. Robitussin This is a cough medicine that can be taken by adults, and there is also a children’s formula. Taken as directed on the bottle, this will help eliminate much of the coughing, and many of the other mild symptoms of the ailments. 2. Theraflu The warm sensation of this tonic eases body aches, and other flu-like symptoms. It is a mixture to be dissolved in water, then the patient drinks it for soothing relief. The ingredients are designed to help ease flu and cold symptoms when taken as directed on the package.
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Symptoms and Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Symptoms and Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps may sound serious, but they are actually just growths that begin to grow inside of your nasal passages or in the sinus cavities. Nasal polyps hang down in the sinuses and look like a raindrop shape that can grow as large as a grape. Nasal polyps happen to people who suffer from chronic rhinosinusitis, chronic allergies, allergies to different medications, or even some immune disorders. With most small nasal polyps symptoms are very minor or non-existent, however as the polyps grow there can be more symptoms or infections that can cause you to need nasal polyps medications or other types of nasal polyps treatments, like surgery. Below is a guide to the symptoms and early warning signs of nasal polyps, and what you can do to help treat and prevent them: 1. Sinus irritation The most common symptom of nasal polyps is when the sinuses experience irritation and nasal polyps inflammation to the lining of the passages of your sinuses. These symptoms are worse than just the common cold and last longer than 12 weeks. 2. Lack of symptoms in the early stages The nasal polyps are very soft and they are not painful when you touch your sinuses.
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How Blue Light Filtering Glasses Protect from Digital Eye Strain

How Blue Light Filtering Glasses Protect from Digital Eye Strain

As the amount of digital devices continues to grow, there has been an increase in the number of individuals complaining from eye discomfort known as digital eye strain. The reason why eye strain occurs is because of the amount of time individuals are staring at a digital screen for longer than 3 hours. Unfortunately, a staggering 80% of adults report that they frequently use a digital device, or multiple devices, for 3-hours or longer each day. The long-term exposure to blue light has the possibility to cause damage and increase the risk of many abnormal conditions to the eyes and surrounding skin. A few conditions that can occur include the following: 1. Macular degeneration Being constantly exposed to blue light can potentially cause macular degeneration in the eyes. This is due to the fact that blue light is able to reach the retina so it can cause damage to cells that are light-sensitive, over the long run. 2. Eye strain All devices that have screens, like computers, tablets, and cell phones, have some amount of blue light that emanates from them. When we constantly have our eyes focused on these devices, we eventually develop too much screen time and eye strain.
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The Benefits of Using an At-Home STD Testing Kit

The Benefits of Using an At-Home STD Testing Kit

Considering that only roughly half of all new sexually transmitted disease (STD) cases are diagnosed in teens and young adults, if a person is sexually active they may wish to be tested for STDs regularly. Symptoms to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include itching in the genital area, soreness, unusual discharge or discharge that is foul-smelling, pain during sex, painful urination, or any unusual bumps, any of which should demand an STD test. While there are medical clinics that will test and treat for these infections, some folks are too embarrassed to go to a medical clinic for a test, so they choose to use an STI testing kit at home. The benefits of using home STD testing kits include the following: 1. Test for several STDs These kits will allow a person to test for the common sexually transmitted diseases and infections in the privacy of their own home. A person can test for common STDs including gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and syphilis. If a person finds out they have this disease they can see a doctor for treatment. These kits are even sophisticated enough to test herpes and HIV. 2. Maintain privacy While doctors are bound to confidentiality under the law a person still may not want to be seen going in or out of the clinics for STD testing.
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Effective Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Effective Hyperhidrosis Treatments

Hyperhidrosis, otherwise known as heavy sweating, is a frustrating condition that affects the lives of many people seemingly without cause. It may be the result of overactive nerves in and around the sweat gland. These trigger a disproportionate response to outside stimuli, typically high temperatures. Hyperhidrosis symptoms include excessive sweating. Situational or biologic factors such as high stress can also act as triggers. Hyperhidrosis is not physically harmful, but it can indicate an underlying health issue (i.e., thyroid issue, etc.) and be stressful and disruptive in your daily life. Here are a list of some hyperhidrosis treatments currently available: 1. Clinical strength deodorant Deodorants work by attacking the bacteria on your body that produce odor when you sweat. These generally concentrate in your armpits and feed on the proteins and fats released when during the sweating process. They consume these, break them down, and release an unpleasant odor as a byproduct. Deodorants use salts to make the application area unlivable for bacteria, allowing you to sweat without stinking. 2. Prescription antiperspirant Antiperspirants differ from deodorants in that they chemically affect the sweat glands to decrease or prevent perspiration. As such, they are categorized as a drug while deodorants are considered a cosmetic item.
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Neurological Conditions Linked to Pseudobulbar (PBA)

Neurological Conditions Linked to Pseudobulbar (PBA)

Pseudobulbar affect is a neurological disease that causes uncontrollable laughter or crying. It is caused by damage to the brain, which can be due to a number of diseases that affect the brain. Neurodegenerative diseases and PBA go hand in hand. These diseases can affect the way emotion is controlled. PBA can be caused by multiple conditions that affect the brain such as a traumatic brain injury, parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis among other illnesses. Below we go over conditions that can cause pseudobulbar affect: 1. Parkinson’s disease (PD) The Parkinson foundation recognizes pseudobulbar affect as a condition that may develop as a result of Parkinson’s disease. Approximately 24% of people with Parkinson’s develop PBA. Parkinson’s disease is known to affect the nervous system which can result in pseudobulbar affect by disrupting brain signaling and triggering an episode. Making note of episodes and how they present themselves can aid in proper diagnosis. 2. Multiple sclerosis (MS) MS causes the body’s immune system to attack the myelin sheath. A protective sheath that covers the brain’s nerve fibers assisting your brain in sending signals needed for communication, movement control, and other important functions connected to your nervous system. Disruption of movement control can impair your brain’s ability to control sudden episodes of crying or laughter.
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