Eczema: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Eczema: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that can cause oozing blisters, skin irritation, and itchy rashes. Eczema can also result in leathery skin patches. Although the skin condition is common in any age group, it is most commonly seen in children younger than two years. Many people diagnosed with this skin condition are recommended diet changes to help them get relief from eczema symptoms. The following article lists several foods for eczema that you can eat and avoid to keep its symptoms at bay. 1. Foods to include People suffering from eczema are recommended to eat foods that should improve the immune system and not interact and result in a flare up or allergic reaction. Mentioned below are some foods that can help fight eczema symptoms. Fatty fish One can reduce eczema symptoms by consuming fatty fish such as salmon or herring as it contains fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The nutrient has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the redness and itchiness caused due to eczema. You can also consume Omega-3 supplements that are available over the counter. Probiotic-rich foods Probiotics contain live cultures that are good for the gut. These help in improving the body’s immune system, which can further help to fight against flare-ups and other allergic reactions due to eczema.
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 7 Foods to Eat

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 7 Foods to Eat

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a type of health condition that results in repeated pain in the bowel or abdomen and changes in the bowel movement such as diarrhea and constipation. Some symptoms might not show any visible signs but may affect your digestive tract. Functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be caused due to brain-gut interaction and how slowly or quickly food moves in the digestive tract. With food playing such an important role in this condition, it is important to eat right to ensure that your diet does not result in any IBS symptoms. Some of the best foods for IBS include: 1. Lean meats It mainly comprises proteins that are easily digestible for not fermentable by gut bacteria. This translates to very less intestinal gas. So, you can include white meat of the chicken, white meat of the turkey, pork, lean cuts of beef such as sirloin, top round, eye round, and bottom round. It is recommended to avoid fatty meats as it contains unhealthy toxins and pro-inflammatory fats and may result in IBS symptoms. 2. Eggs Eggs are easily digestible and can be a good choice for people suffering from IBS.
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Top Therapies for Kidney Cancer Treatment

Top Therapies for Kidney Cancer Treatment

Kidney cancer occurs when cancerous cells multiply and form a tumor in the kidney. The most common type of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma and symptoms of this condition include loss of appetite, chronic back pain, and blood in the urine amongst others. There are various surgical and nonsurgical treatment methods to cure kidney cancer, although in some cases, these may not be enough. In cases of advanced kidney cancer, there are four therapies that patients can use as treatment methods. Three of them are systemic therapies that involve giving the patient medication either orally via a capsule or pill, or intravenously, while the fourth one uses radiation. Read on to know more about them: 1. Targeted therapy This targets the specific proteins, genes, or tissue environment that contribute to the cancer’s survival and growth. It helps to reduce the growth and spread of cancerous cells while at the same time minimizing cell damage. The three targeted therapy kidney cancer treatments are: Anti-angiogenesis therapy Since the tumor requires nutrients delivered by the blood vessels to spread and grow, this therapy aims to “starve” the tumor by stopping angiogenesis, which is the process of forming new blood vessels. mTOR inhibitors Medicines like temsirolimus and everolimus target a specific protein that helps renal cancer cells grow, known as mTOR.
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Symptoms and Causes of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

Symptoms and Causes of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

Acute promyelocytic leukemia is one of the rarest and most aggressive types of leukemia. It causes abnormal production of immature blood-forming cells known as promyelocytes. These cells are usually found in the blood and bone marrow. When promyelocytes are formed in abundance, it leads to a shortage of healthy white and red blood cells and platelets. One of the most common symptoms of acute promyelocytic leukemia is an increased risk of bleeding and blood clotting. In some cases, people may also experience fatigue, pain, and loss of weight and appetite. Although the condition can be diagnosed at any age, it usually occurs in middle-aged adults. The condition is a result of a mutation and usually involves the translocation between chromosomes 15 and 17. 1. Common symptoms of acute promyelocytic leukemia Sometimes, people suffering from this type of leukemia may experience different symptoms. However, in about 30 to 79% of acute promyelocytic leukemia patients, the most common symptoms are: Anemia Anorexia Bone marrow hypercellularity Risk of bruising Chronic infection Disseminated intravascular coagulation Exertional dyspnea Tiredness Fever Bleeding gums Leukopenia Muscular weakness Reduced blood cell count Low platelet count Vertigo Weight loss 2. Rarer symptoms of acute promyelocytic leukemia Meanwhile, in 5 to 29% of the cases of acute promyelocytic leukemia, the following symptoms are seen:
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Treatments and Prevention of Lyme Disease

Treatments and Prevention of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium. It is transmitted to individuals by a bite from an infected deer tick. The tick gets infected after feeding on mice or deer. In the case of Lyme disease, the tick latches onto the skin for a duration of one to two days. Most people who have suffered from Lyme disease do not have any memory of a tick bite. Hence, it is essential to know about the treatment and prevention methods to help you be safe from this disease: 1. How to treat Lyme disease It is recommended to treat Lyme disease during the early stages by giving the infected patient a simple course of antibiotics for a period of two-three weeks to help eliminate all traces of infection. The following medications can be used to treat Lyme disease: Amoxicillin and cefuroxime for women, who are breastfeeding or nursing, younger kids, and adults Doxycycline for kids, who are more than eight years old, and adults Chronic or persistent Lyme disease is treated for two to three weeks with the help of intravenous antibiotics. This kind of treatment helps eliminate the infection. However, the symptoms show improvement gradually.
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Alternative Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

Alternative Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

For people suffering from MS or multiple sclerosis, their best bet is to take medications and engage in various therapies to overcome the difficulties that come with this disease. However, some people are able to effectively manage MS symptoms with alternative treatments as well. These include herbal remedies, yoga, massages, acupuncture, and relaxation techniques. While the science to support a few of these claims is not sound, doctors have affirmed the efficacy of some of these treatments as an addition to regular treatment, and the results have been promising. While attempting something new, it is important to get your doctor’s approval and then move forward. Let’s examine some multiple sclerosis treatment options when it comes to alternative remedies: 1. Exercise Exercise is an important component of your treatment plan. Tai Chi and yoga can help you lower stress levels and ensure that energy, balance, and even flexibility can be maintained. It is important to get the doctor’s confirmation before starting any fitness program. 2. Healthy diet You are also advised to eat plenty of nutritious and healthy foods in strict compliance with a doctor’s advice. 3. Massage While massages do not have an effect on the treatment or progression, they are not harmful in any way.
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All you Need to Know About Mouth Cancer

All you Need to Know About Mouth Cancer

Oral cancer refers to the cancer that develops in the mouth and lips. It falls in the category of a large group of cancers known as head and neck cancers. The cancer usually develops in the squamous cells in the mouth, tongue, and lips. Every year, almost 50,000 cases of oral cancer are reported in the country, and these are mostly seen in people over the age of 40. Like with any other form of cancer, the earlier it is detected, the better the prognosis will be. There are 2 main oral cancer types – mouth cancer and lip cancer. Mouth cancer affects the mouth including lips, gums, and teeth. Here’s what you should know: 1. Symptoms of mouth cancer People often mistake the symptoms of mouth cancer for a cold that is persistent and does not go away for a long time or a sore in the mouth. There are several other symptoms that one can take note of. Persistent pain in the jaw or the tongue, thickening in the inside of the mouth and formation of lumps are primary symptoms. Further, one may also observe some white or red patches forming on gums, tongue, tonsils, or the mouth’s lining.
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Ovarian Cancer: Stages, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Ovarian Cancer: Stages, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Ovarian cancer is a form of cancer that can affect women of all ages groups. This form of cancer is actually the fifth most prevalent cancer among women. While ovarian cancer caught in the early stages is much easier to treat, this cancer often goes undetected due to few symptoms in the early stages. Instead, many patients are not diagnosed until the cancer spreads to the pelvis and abdomen when it’s harder to treat. Explained below are the stages and treatments of ovarian cancer: 1. Stages of ovarian cancer Stage 1: This stage has three sub-stages: Stage 1A, 1B, and 1C. In Stage 1A, the cancer is localized or restricted to one ovary. In Stage 1B, the cancer is present in both ovaries. In Stage 1C, there are cancer cells in the external section of the ovary. Stage 2: In this stage, the tumor has reached other pelvic stages. Stage 2 has two sub-stages—Stage 2A and 2B. In Stage 2A, the cancer has reached the fallopian tubes or uterus. In Stage 2B, cancer has reached the rectum or bladder. Stage 3: This stage has three sub-stages—Stage 3A, 3B, and 3C. In Stage 3A, cancer has surpassed the abdomen lining and the abdomen’s lymph nodes.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

Diagnosis and Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

The diagnosis of peptic ulcer requires your doctor to know your medical history and perform a physical exam. To be able to answer the questions asked by the examining medical professional, it is essential for you to try and keep in mind any and all the symptoms you have been facing. Things like if you think you may have an open sore in the lining of your small intestine or stomach, whether you have been taking NSAIDs, and the pain experienced must be noted. It is always easier for a doctor to conduct a diagnosis if they have a clear understanding of what you’re going through: 1. Diagnosing peptic ulcer The doctor will check for a bloated stomach, and also may examine your upper digestive system through an endoscopy to look for the presence of ulcers. He/she may also take a tiny piece of the intestinal or stomach lining to test for the bacterium known as H. pylori. Stool, breath, and blood sample tests are also taken to screen for the presence of the bacteria. 2. Medications for the treatment of peptic ulcer Depending on what caused the peptic ulcer, the doctor will recommend a treatment plan, which may involve eradicating the infection or lowering the stomach acid levels to enable the ulcer to heal.
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Treatment Options for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Treatment Options for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (or PAH) is classified as a rare, progressive disorder marked by a buildup of hypertension (or high blood pressure) in the arteries of the pulmonary arteries (or blood vessels within the lungs). The onset of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) affects each person differently. Therefore, any treatment plan needs to be tailored according to the patient’s specific needs. You must consult with your doctor to get proper diagnosis and discuss the following treatment options: 1. Initial measures To start with, the doctor will treat the cause of PAH. For instance, if PAH is being caused by emphysema, then the doctor will treat it to alleviate pulmonary hypertension. Since this condition affects your breathing, many patients opt for treatment that improves breathing. This enables them to be more active and undertake daily chores easily. You can opt for oxygen therapy, wherein pure oxygen is inhaled to compensate for its low levels in your blood. If you are at risk of developing blood clots, blood thinners may be prescribed to improve the functioning of your heart and prevent fluid build-up in your body. 2. Intensive measures If you suffer from a severe case of PAH, medications in the form of calcium channel blockers may be prescribed.
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