Risk Factors and Treatment Across Advanced Stages

Risk Factors and Treatment Across Advanced Stages

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a form of epithelial cancer. This type of lung cancer makes up roughly 85% to 90% of lung cancers diagnosis. Its most common types include adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The reason these subtypes are deemed NSCLC is because the treatment and prognosis are similar for all types. Read on to learn about the risk factors associated with the disease and treatments for advanced stages of non-small cell lung cancer: 1. Risk factors related to NSCLC Risk factors are not necessarily direct causes of any certain disease. Yet, they may contribute to NSCLC development: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection Radiation exposure due to atomic bomb radiation, medical imaging tests like Computed Tomography (CT) scans, radon exposure in the workplace or residence, and radiation therapy in the chest or breast Occupational exposure to nickel, beryllium, chromium, arsenic, asbestos, and other agents Exposure to substances that cause cancer Consumption of tobacco products such as cigars, pipes, and cigarettes Residing in a location that has substantial levels of air pollution Genetic causes Supplements of beta carotene in heavy smokers 2. Treatment of NSCLC across advanced stages Explained below are treatments for advanced stages of non-small cell lung cancer.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Factors and Treatments

Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Factors and Treatments

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder, which can impact more than just your joints. In some cases, this condition can be responsible for the damage of various body systems such as the lungs, skin, eyes, blood vessels, and heart. Please note that any surgery for rheumatoid arthritis carries with it a risk of infection. Consult your doctor to discuss the benefits and risks. Listed below are a few important risk factors that might increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. These include the following: Gender As compared to men, women have a higher probability of developing this problem. Age This disease can develop at any age. However, it commonly occurs in middle-aged individuals. Smoking People who smoke cigarettes are at a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, especially if they have a genetic disposition for developing rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, smokers are more prone to this disease. Family history If any of your family members has had rheumatoid arthritis, there is a higher possibility of you having the disease as well. Obesity Particularly women who are below the age of 55 years and are overweight are at a greater risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. If you can relate to any of the risk factors, you must visit your doctor for consultation at the earliest.
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Alcohol Addiction: The Recovery Process

Alcohol Addiction: The Recovery Process

Alcohol addiction occurs when a person is unable to control drinking, which may then start to affect their emotional and physical well-being. Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause serious health complications such as liver failure and even death. Therefore, any person with heavy drinking habits requires immediate help for alcohol addiction. 1. When should you see a doctor? You need to seek help for alcohol counseling if: If you’re unable to get through a single day without drinking alcohol You get physically sick and emotionally distressed when you cannot drink You’re unable to control the urge to drink Drinking is affecting other aspects of your life such as your work 2. What are the steps involved in alcohol addiction recovery The first step for any patient recovering from alcohol addiction is to seek immediate help from a professional at a rehab center. Depending on the severity of the addiction, the treatment may require the patient to be admitted for a few weeks or get outpatient care. Treatment for alcohol addiction involves: Medication There are certain medicines such as Disulfiram that help make a person feel averse to drinking, while Acamprosate helps curb cravings for alcohol. One should remember that no medicine can cure alcohol addiction; they can only aid in the process of recovery.
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Bipolar Disorder: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Bipolar Disorder: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a condition that causes serious shifts in one’s mood, thinking, behavior, and overall energy levels. The shift is so severe that one might be high or manic at any given time and then experience serious depression. Bipolar disorder highs and lows can sometimes last for days, weeks, and even months at a time without any warning or change in behavior. There are several symptoms that can help one identify an underlying condition. However, the severity of the symptoms will differ depending on the nature and frequency of the episodes. Treatment for the condition includes a combination of medications, therapies, and supportive care. In addition, there are a few foods that can help provide relief from the varied symptoms and help reduce the risk of episodes like depression in bipolar disorder. 1. Food to eat for bipolar depression Dark chocolate They don’t just call chocolate comfort food for no reason. This is one of the foods rich in phenylethylamine that helps relieve depression, which is one of the more concerning factors related to bipolar disorder. Doctors often refer to the compound as a mood-lifting ingredient and it is predominantly found in chocolates with a high concentration of cocoa.
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Chemotherapy Home Remedies: Easing the Side Effects

Chemotherapy Home Remedies: Easing the Side Effects

Sometimes used as a standalone treatment or with another treatment, chemotherapy is one of the most commonly recommended treatment procedures for cancer patients. Although the therapy is done to eliminate cancer cells and stop them from growing in number, it can also affect the healthy cells. This leads to several unwanted symptoms. These symptoms are often known as the side-effects of chemotherapy. The severity, however, can vary from individual to individual. Some of the common side effects of chemotherapy can include: Nausea Vomiting Hair fall Abdomen pain Constipation Change in appetite Sores in the mouth Nerve problems Thankfully, many home remedies have received the backing of several studies that have now been gaining more acceptance. Similarly, there are several remedies that have the potential to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Although research is limited, there are some studies that prove these are beneficial to help prevent and treat the side effects of chemotherapy. 1. Ginger Nausea is a common side-effect of chemotherapy and is often recommended to cancer patients to ease their symptoms. In 2013, a research review was published in Nutrition Reviews. This review explained that the previously published studies on the effectiveness of ginger to treat the side effects of chemotherapy were evaluated.
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Understanding Radiation Therapy

Understanding Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is a treatment in which strong light beams are used to attack cancerous cells. The intense energy radiated by these beams helps kill cancer cells. In this therapy, X-rays are generally used. However, there are different types of energy, such as protons, that can be used. Radiation therapy is one of the most common cancer treatments used by oncologists. Here are some facts about this form of treatment. 1. External and internal radiation Radiation therapy is also known as external beam radiation therapy. High energy beams come from outside the body, which is aimed at the targeted organ. There is another kind of radiation therapy known as brachytherapy, wherein the radiation is placed inside the body. 2. The functioning of radiation therapy Radiation therapy works by damaging the cells that destroy the material in the genes controlling the growth and division of cells. While both cancerous and healthy cells can be destroyed by this therapy, the main aim is to damage the least possible healthy cells. However, the remaining healthy cells are often capable of repairing the damage caused. 3. Using radiation therapy in different scenarios There are many ways in which radiation therapy is used for treating cancer.
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DASH Diet: Foods and Serving Sizes

DASH Diet: Foods and Serving Sizes

DASH or the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is a diet that is followed by people who are in the process of treating hypertension or want to take steps to prevent it. Hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is constantly elevated which can lead to other medical complications like heart disease or a stroke. One of the ways to manage hypertension is by following a diet that is heart-healthy. This includes reducing salt intake, moderating alcohol consumption, eating more fruits and vegetables, and consuming less fat. While the diet does not specifically mention specific foods, it does provide daily and weekly nutritional goals. 1. Whole grains: 6–8 daily servings Grains contain fiber and whole grains have a higher amount of it. This fiber is great for digestion and helps break down food properly. Some examples of whole grains food that you can eat include: 1 slice of whole-wheat bread ½ cup of cooked cereal Rice or pasta 1 ounce of dry cereal When consuming grains, always choose whole-grain substitutes whenever possible. Grains are also naturally low in fat, so it is recommended to eat them as is without adding any extra fat to it, such as cheese, butter, or cream.
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Type 2 Diabetes: Diagnosis and Treatment

Type 2 Diabetes: Diagnosis and Treatment

In type 2 diabetes, the body does not manage to use insulin optimally in order to maintain blood glucose levels. This is a condition called insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease with over 90% of the country’s population suffering from type 2 diabetes. Here is what you should know about type 2 diabetes diagnosis and treatment. 1. Type 2 diabetes diagnosis Diagnosis for type 2 diabetes is carried out with the help of the following tests: Glycated hemoglobin testing This is the standard test for checking if a patient is suffering from type 2 diabetes. If a patient has an average blood sugar level result of 6.5% or higher, it is an indication of diabetes. Fasting blood test The blood sugar level test done when fasting overnight is the next most important test to check for type 2 diabetes. Normal readings should be below 100 mg/dL. Any level that is between 100 to 125 mg/dL is considered to be borderline, and above 126 mg/dL is a sure sign of diabetes. Oral test for glucose tolerance This is another diabetes diagnosis test that is most commonly done on expectant mothers. The patient is required to fast overnight and then made to drink a sugary liquid the next day at the doctor’s clinic.
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How to Get Relief from Skin Rashes

How to Get Relief from Skin Rashes

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a chronic condition that is marked by inflammation on the skin. It could vary in intensity – ranging from mild to severe. While you might not be able to grow out of it completely, there are ways in which you can reduce the inflammation and rashes on your skin. Talking about reducing the rashes on your skin, the first thing that exacerbates rashes is incessant scratching, which is almost uncontrollable when itching occurs. Scratching your skin when you have eczema can be very convenient, but the fact is that it can make the situation even worse. As a second option, you might choose to apply a medical ointment or take some prescribed medicines, which again can lead to side-effects. Although the latter might be an inescapable option, there are some eczema natural treatments that can help you get some relief and expedite your ongoing treatment. 1. Essential oils Essential oils are considered among the best natural treatments for eczema. That is because they are diluted with carrier oils and are used for topical use. They pose minimal to no complications and have no side effects. It is very important to note that before applying any of the below mentioned oils, you should consult with your doctor and do a patch test as your skin may react differently with different oils.
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Pink Eye: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Pink Eye: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is the most common eye infection disease. It occurs when the inside of the eyelids and the clear, thin covering of the white area of the eye get inflamed. Anyone, be it office workers, school children or store employees are at risk of contracting it, especially if they work closely with each other. This may sound a bit complicated, but it can be easily treated. Furthermore, a few easy precautions can help you avoid conjunctivitis. 1. Causes of pink eye Based on their cause, the primary types of pink eye are: Bacterial conjunctivitis This is caused by bacteria and may result in serious damage to the eye if not treated. Viral conjunctivitis Like the common cold, a virus causes this and it can be very contagious. However, it generally clears up by itself without medical treatment within a few days. Allergic conjunctivitis It is a result of irritants like dust, animal dander, and pollen, among susceptible individuals. This type may flare up all through the year or be seasonal. 2. Symptoms of pink eye Based on their type, the primary symptoms of pink eye are: Bacterial conjunctivitis Symptoms of this type of eye infection are greenish-yellow or yellow eye sticky discharge in the corner of the eye.
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